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The rise of the useless class – Yuval Noah Harari – Link here

So what will people do? Art is often said to provide us with our ultimate (and uniquely human) sanctuary. In a world where computers have replaced doctors, drivers, teachers and even landlords, would everyone become an artist? Yet it is hard to see why artistic creation would be safe from the algorithms. According to the life sciences, art is not the product of some enchanted spirit or metaphysical soul, but rather of organic algorithms recognizing mathematical patterns. If so, there is no reason why non-organic algorithms couldn’t master it.

Since we do not know how the job market would look in 2030 or 2040, today we have no idea what to teach our kids. Most of what they currently learn at school will probably be irrelevant by the time they are 40. Traditionally, life has been divided into two main parts: a period of learning, followed by a period of working. Very soon this traditional model will become utterly obsolete, and the only way for humans to stay in the game will be to keep learning throughout their lives and to reinvent themselves repeatedly. Many, if not most, humans may be unable to do so.

The Golden Age of Hedge Funds – Link here

First, we need to ask ‘Why’- Having answered that, we need to find what lies at the intersection of complexity and order, else lethargy or chaos is inevitable – Link here

‘Artificial Intelligence’ Has Become Meaningless – Link here

Uber and Airbnb are not the future of capitalism – Link here

Another example: peer-to-peer lending. Services like Prosper and LendingClub have used the same egalitarian rhetoric as Lyft and Airbnb. Their original pitch, a decade ago, was that they’d allow users to lend directly to other users, cutting out the middlemen and saving everyone some money.

The reality, however, is that today most of the loans on these platforms are made by banks, hedge funds, and other wealthy institutions. The peer-to-peer model made for a good marketing pitch and a good way to raise money when the sites were new and unproven. But once they’d scaled up, these platforms found it was cheaper and easier to do business with industry incumbents with enough cash to lend to hundreds of borrowers at a time.

Netflix Lesson on Focus – Link here

What to Make of These Twice-in-History S&P 500 Valuations – Link here

As with all market indicators, the CAPE ratio requires some context and caveats apply when discussing its use in making investment decisions, especially considering this data goes all the way back to the late 1800s. Every cycle is different in terms of interest rates, inflation and what type of economic environment we’re in. The U.S. economy and markets are more mature than they once were, and it’s a much wealthier country. Industry make-up and the types of corporations are completely different. The Federal Reserve didn’t exist for the first part of this dataset. Accounting standards have changed, costs to trade have come down, the markets are more liquid, and there are far more investors these days.

When Bankers Started Playing With Other People’s Money – Link here

Everybody is busy forecasting what would happen once AI or Robots take up our job so here is one more that outline how it impacts existing social life that could fundamental change society – When Factory Jobs Vanish, Men Become Less Desirable Partners – Declines in manufacturing employment are shaping the structure of the American family – Link here

$10,000 for a single phone call with a bank analyst – Asset managers and lenders in fierce negotiations over cost of investment research – Link here

Explaining a Paradox: Why Good (Bad) Companies can be Bad (Good) Investments! – Link here

How technology gets us hooked – From a young age, humans love to press buttons that light up and make a noise. The thrill of positive feedback lies at the heart of addiction to gambling, games, and social media – Link here – although article seems to be focused on video games/casinos, if you are long time market participate you can easily relate it to market , how uptick & down tick make traders happy.

Users were gambling every time they shared a photo, web link or status update. A post with zero “likes” wasn’t just privately painful, but also a kind of public condemnation: either you didn’t have enough online friends, or, worse still, your online friends weren’t impressed.

Casinos win most of the time, today, slot machines allow gamblers to play multiple lines. Every time you play, you’re more likely to win on at least one line, and the machine will celebrate with you by flashing bright lights and playing catchy tunes. If you play 15 lines, and you win on two of the lines, you make a net loss, and yet you enjoy the positive feedback that follows a win.

“Tetris is a game with a very strong negative motivation. You never see what you have done very well, and your mistakes are seen on the screen. You always want to correct them.”

On the valuation of the Indian stock market – Link here

Tools We Use to Forecast the Future Prospects of a Business – Link here

Excessive CEO Pay for Dumb Luck – Link here

Executive pay should resemble a zero-sum game. If one CEO gets a huge bonus, it means he or she is doing better than the competition — and management of those other companies should get much smaller bonuses. When you see all pay going up in an industry group, you know something’s wrong.

Drug costs too high fire the middleman – Link here

A world without wi-fi looks possible as unlimited plans catch on – Link here

Why It Took the Washing Machine So Long to Catch On – Link here

Small Political Parties Are A Thriving Business In UP – Link here

Why Dentistry Is Separate From Medicine – Link here

I accidently came across this and could not resist going through it, given he is amazing guy – Jackie Chan’s Most Gruelling Scene Ever – Link here



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