Read, Learn, Improve – 1-Apr-17

The body is the missing link for truly intelligent machines – Link here

We draw on experiences and expectations to predict likely outcomes from a relatively small number of observed samples. So when a human thinks about a cat, she can probably picture the way it moves, hear the sound of purring, feel the impending scratch from an unsheathed claw. She has a rich store of sensory information at her disposal to understand the idea of a ‘cat’, and other related concepts that might help her interact with such a creature.

This means that when a human approaches a new problem, most of the hard work has already been done. In ways that we’re only just beginning to understand, our body and brain, from the cellular level upwards, have already built a model of the world that we can apply almost instantly to a wide array of challenges. But for an AI algorithm, the process begins from scratch each time. There is an active and important line of research, known as ‘inductive transfer’, focused on using prior machine-learned knowledge to inform new solutions. However, as things stand, it’s questionable whether this approach will be able to capture anything like the richness of our own bodily models.

This is some history class for investors – The mysterious man who owns one solitary share in the unlisted Tata Sons – Link here

SILICON VALLEY’S QUEST TO LIVE FOREVER – Can billions of dollars’ worth of high-tech research succeed in making death optional? – Link here

wish to preserve life as we know it, even at the cost of dying, is profoundly human. We are encoded with the belief that death is the mother of beauty. And we are encoded, too, with the contradictory determination to remain exactly as we are, forever—or at least for just a bit longer, before we have to go.

We all have been guilty of taking wrong decision in life at some point, well here is one solution – Before you make an emotional decision, ask yourself these four questions – Link here

Cars and second order consequences – Link hereThis gives some amazing insight into how electric & automated car will change things – for starters

  • Full autonomy, is a bit further off – perhaps 5-10 years,
  • Since gas is sold at very low margins, these retailers make their actual money as convenience stores, so what happens to the products that are sold there?
    Gasoline is taxed, much less in the USA than in many other developed markets: it is 4% of UK tax revenue, for example. That tax revenue will have to be replaced, with other taxes on things that may be more elastic, and there will be economic and political consequences to that.
  • Even simple ‘Level 3’ systems would cut many kinds of accident, and as more vehicles with more sophisticated systems, moving up to Level 5, cycle into the installed base over time, the collision rate will drop continuously. That, in turn, has consequences for vehicle design – if you have no collisions then eventually you can remove many of the safety features in today’s vehicles, all of which add cost and weight and constrain the overall design – no more airbags or crumple zones, perhaps.
  • video on phantom jams – I believe this the reason behind most of the jams that happen in Andheri

Where Markets Fail: Markets Assume Fungibility – Link here

Selling Sugar Short? – Link here – I wonder what this means for nation of india , that has huge history and consumption of Mithai. 

How to get rich like Warren Buffett – Link herean outline of plan on how to scam someone using Warren Buffett and his quotes.

UP’s Anti-Abattoir Campaign Could Cripple Prime Revenue- And Job-Generating Industries – Link here

The Milk that lasts for months – Ultra-heat-treated milk is a shelf staple, especially in tropical climes where milk easily spoils. BBC Future investigates its special properties – Link here

Yuval Harari on why humans won’t dominate Earth in 300 years – Link here

Intelligence is not consciousness. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Consciousness is the ability to feel things. In humans and other animals, the two indeed go together. The way mammals solve problems is by feeling things. Our emotions and sensations are really an integral part of the way we solve problems in our lives. However, in the case of computers, we don’t see the two going together.

‘Bro, I’m Going Rogue’: The Wall Street Informant Who Double-Crossed the FBI – Guy Gentile flipped, and flipped again – Link here

HFT as an insight into where fintech is going – Link here

In the worst case scenario, those who know they’re being disadvantaged withdraw from the market completely, sabotage the data as best they can or — one might imagine — openly revolt against the system altogether (say by finding a way to nab some of the returns for themselves HFT-style or voting in powers which promise to protect them no matter what).

Instagram Killed the Retail StoreLink here

Novice investor take valuation at face value, take math and apply it as it is and they get answer, very often answer is different from prevailing price in market. This is when they approach or listen to professionals and get to know Valuation is 50% Maths and 50% Arts. This gets more brilliantly highlighted in new proposal by David Einhorn – Founder of Hedge Fund Greenlight Capital LLC – for General Motors – Hedge-Fund Manager Wants to Rearrange GM’s StockLink here . You can check out complete proposal – Link here – I think Tata Motors has already done same thing.

Finance is about dividing up risks, and allocating those risks to the people most able and willing to bear them. People who want more risk cushion those who want more safety; people who want more safety compensate the willing risk-takers for that insurance; everyone is better off. Progress in finance, then, is about finding clever ways to slice risks more finely and market them to people who want them. People who like General Motors’s business but want safe steady income can just buy its bonds. People who like its business and want more upside in exchange for more risk can buy its common stock. But these are crude divisions, and a true financial visionary will see a category of risk — Dividend Shares — that doesn’t exist yet and try to fill that need.

The Management Myth – Most of management theory is inane, writes our correspondent, the founder of a consulting firm. If you want to succeed in business, don’t get an M.B.A. Study philosophy insteadLink here – very long read.

The reason Hollywood’s studio leadership is in flux: The business model is changing – Link here

Why Yale and Columbia are accepting students from a university that holds classes in a basement in Tehran – Link here

This makes for a fun read – What If Other Areas of Life Operated Like Wall Street?Link here


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